Linear Lida 500 or HumaStar 600: Which Clinical Chemistry Analyzer To Choose?

Compare the Linear Lida 500 and HumaStar 600 for your lab's needs. Our comprehensive comparison covers throughput efficiency, environmental impact, and more to help you make an informed decision.

Company HUMAN Linear
Model HumaStar 600 LIDA500
Throughput max. tests/h 600 540
Reagent positions 48 80
Reagent cooling 9°C ± 2°C Yes
Sample positions 95 100
Sample barcode reader Internal Internal
Cuvettes 160 re-usable 100 re-usable
Water consumption (l/h) < 5 < 20

*All information is correct as of December 2023



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Selecting the best clinical chemistry analyzer is crucial for laboratories seeking to improve their testing efficiency, accuracy, and reliability. The Linear Lida 500 and HumaStar 600 are two leading systems in the market, offering innovative features designed to meet the changing needs of modern laboratories. Hey there! We'll be taking a closer look at their specifications and capabilities to help you choose the best system for your laboratory's needs.

We know that selecting a clinical chemistry analyzer is a big decision that can impact your lab's operations, but don't worry, we've got you covered! Thanks for checking out this article that compares the Linear Lida 500 and HumaStar 600 clinical chemistry analyzers. Both analyzers have some amazing features, so let's dive in and see how they compare across several crucial dimensions.

Throughput Max. Tests/h

High throughput is crucial for laboratories that handle a large volume of tests on a daily basis. It determines the speed at which tests can be processed, affecting the turnaround time for results and the overall efficiency of the laboratory.

  • HumaStar 600: The HumaStar 600 is designed for high-volume testing environments, with a maximum capacity of 600 tests per hour. This ensures rapid processing to meet the demands of busy laboratories.

  • Linear Lida 500: The Linear Lida 500 offers a slightly lower throughput of 540 tests per hour, which still supports efficient processing for medium to large-sized labs but with a marginal difference in capacity.

Reagent Positions

The analyzer's capacity for reagent positions affects its ability to perform a wide range of tests without frequent reagent changes, which enhances test menu flexibility and lab productivity.

  • HumaStar 600: The HumaStar 600 has 48 reagent positions, which optimizes space and resource usage for essential tests.

  • Linear Lida 500: With 80 reagent positions, the Linear Lida 500 provides extensive testing capabilities, making it ideal for labs with a broad diagnostic menu.

Reagent Cooling

Cooling reagents preserves their stability and lifespan, which is crucial for maintaining test accuracy and reducing waste.

  • HumaStar 600: The cooling system maintains reagents at a temperature range of 9°C ± 2°C, which ensures the integrity of the reagents and leads to accurate results.

  • Linear Lida 500: The system's commitment to maintaining reagent quality and diagnostic reliability is highlighted by the inclusion of reagent cooling.

Sample Positions

The quantity of sample positions has a direct impact on a laboratory's ability to process tests concurrently, which affects throughput and workflow efficiency.

  • HumaStar 600: The HumaStar 600 can handle a high volume of samples with its 95 sample positions, making lab operations smoother.

  • Linear Lida 500: Provides 100 sample positions, slightly more than the HumaStar 600, which can be advantageous for labs with high sample loads.

Sample Barcode Reader

Barcode readers improve laboratory efficiency and accuracy by automating sample identification, reducing manual errors, and streamlining the testing process.

  • HumaStar 600: The device includes an internal barcode reader, demonstrating its emphasis on automation and minimizing errors.

  • Linear Lida 500: The device also includes an internal barcode reader, which ensures that both analyzers have the same level of efficiency and accuracy when processing samples.

Water Consumption (l/h)

Water consumption reflects the environmental impact and operational cost of an analyzer. Lower water usage indicates a more sustainable and cost-effective operation.

  • HumaStar 600: The HumaStar 600 demonstrates efficiency and commitment to eco-friendly lab practices by using less than 5 liters per hour.

  • Linear Lida 500: The machine consumes less than 20 liters of fuel per hour, which indicates a higher environmental impact. This could be a concern for labs that prioritize sustainability.

In conclusion, the HumaStar 600 and Linear Lida 500 both offer compelling features. The choice between them should be based on your laboratory's specific needs, such as high throughput, test menu diversity, operational efficiency, or environmental sustainability. By carefully considering the details of each analyzer, you can ensure that your lab selects a system that not only meets its current requirements but is also prepared to accommodate future demands.