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- Detection Assay
TB-LAMP is robust and easy to perform
The Loopamp™ MTBC Detection Kit is a qualitative test for the detection of bacteria belonging to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex (MTBC) in human sputum samples. The kit contains reagents for 96 reactions as well as positive and negative controls. Dried LAMP reagents are reconstituted with extracted DNA solution and incubated for 40 min at 67°C either in HumaLoop T or HumaTurb instruments. After extraction of the samples, the results are obtained in around 45 min.
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification
Loopamp™ MTBC Detection Kit
Qualitative test for the detection of bacteria belonging to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex (MTBC). Storage and shipment at 2...30°C
Loopamp™ MTBC Detection Kit
2 x 48 tests
REF 972000