External Quality Assessment

ESfEQA and HuQAS: Web-based, simple and user-friendly EQA

ESfEQA and HuQAS are HUMAN ‘s recommendations for a web-based, international external quality assessment (EQA) program. It helps laboratories to ensure precise, reliable, and comparable results, irrespective of where in the world they are obtained. ESfEQA and HuQAS are unique due to their powerful HUMAN peer groups. Both are our accredited EQA program which support the HUMAN peer groups in order to guarantee and increase the statistical security of results with HUMAN products.

Biochemistry (ESfEQA)

Microbiology/Virology (ESfEQA)

Immunology (ESfEQA)

Hematology, Coagulation (ESfEQA)

Molecular Diagnostics (ESfEQA)

General Program (HuQAS)

Visit the homepages of our partners and get in contact
ESfEQA: www.esfeqa.eu/en or contact ESfEQA at [email protected]
HuQAS: www.huqas.org or contact HuQAS at [email protected]