Detect TB. Accurately. Easily.
Smear microscopy misses nearly every second positive TB case
TB-LAMP is robust and easy to perform
The LoopampTM workflow allows an easy DNA extraction and preparation of reaction mixes in a few steps with only a minimum of equipment and reagents. Reagent storage and shipment at room temperature as well as the excellent test performance make molecular pathogen testing available in rural areas with limited settings.
- High specificity and sensitivity
- Very short turnaround times
- Simple processing
- High degree of robustness
- Easy result interpretation, either visually (HumaLoop) or by means of a turbidimeter (HumaTurb system)
WHO recommends TB-LAMP as an alternative for smear microscopy
- TB-LAMP detects > 15 % more positive TB cases
- Is also applicable to confirm smear negative results
- Can be used as first line test for all patient groups when the GeneXpert system is not available