HumaLyzer Primus


The compact allrounder

HumaLyzer Primus can be equipped with up to 8 out of 13 different filters, thus being most flexible in answering any needs. Offering 60 channels and three different measuring temperatures HumaLyzer Primus is also suitable for many life science applications.

Store up to 2,200 results and transfer them to a LIS system.

  • Software: English, Spanish, Russian and French

  • Up to 8 out of 13 different wavelengths (nm): 340 / 405 / 410 / 450 / 492 / 500 / 510 / 536 / 546 / 550 / 595 / 620 / 630 (bold: factory settings)

  • Incubation at 25°C, 30°C or 37°C

  • Comprehensive QC statistic module


Description REF Size
Disposable macro cuvettes 18052 1,000 pcs
Flow cell cleaner 18222 100 ml
Thermal printer paper 18144/5 5 pcs.


Description REF
Incubator HumaCube: 13mm diameter (20 positions) and 15mm diameter (4 positions) 17070 (110 VAC) 17050 (220 VAC)
Several filters in the range of 410 nm to 630 nm Please refer to the product catalog.
Glass cuvettes 18200/77
Power cable USA standard 18200/74