HumaVision - Digital holographic microscopy (DHM)


Innovative automated urine particle analysis with AI

Our cutting-edge HumaVision system leverages digital holographic microscopy and AI technology to accurately identify and count urine particles with exceptional precision. HumaVision revolutionizes laboratory workflows for native urine particle analysis, minimizing errors, streamlining processes, and maximizing operational efficiency.

Urine particles quantified by artificial intelligence (AI)
Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM) technology enables the quantification of urine-formed elements,
analyzing hundreds of cells and particles within a 3D volume with high accuracy.


  • The smallest, most comfortable urine microscope on the market
    Ergonomic, handheld design with 240 grams

  • Quantitative determination of urine parameters in 3 to 7 min

  • AI-based differentiation and quantification for more reliable results, eliminating subjective misinterpretation

  • Saves time without compromising quality through AI-based determination and counting of urineformed particles by using 3D classification.

  • Only 20 μl sample volume of native urine required, eliminates the need for complex sample preparation, ensuring accurate results with fewer steps, saving time, and enhancing precision

  • Intuitive 2-step workflow – up to 80% faster than manual microscopy


Description REF Size
Urine Sample Carrier HumaVision 17661 100 pcs.
Cleaning sticks HumaVision 17662