Maternal and (Neonatal) Child Health

Antenatal care

Solutions for the diagnostic assessment according to WHO recommendations on antenatal care (WHO 2016)

HIV and syphilis: In high-prevalence settings, provider-initiated testing and counselling (PITC) for HIV should be considered a routine component of the package of care for pregnant women in all antenatal care settings. In low-prevalence settings, PITC can be considered for pregnant women in antenatal care settings as a key component of the effort to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and to integrate HIV testing with syphilis, viral or other key tests, as relevant to the setting, and to strengthen the underlying maternal and child health systems.

Tuberculosis (TB): In settings where the TB prevalence in the general population is 100/100 000 or higher, systematic screening for active TB should be considered for pregnant women as part of antenatal care.

The listed items are CE-marked and comply with the strict requirements of the European IVD directive. Exceptions are clearly flagged.


Gestational diabetes mellitus





Pregnancy test: hCG


Tuberculosis (TB)